Phi did really great at the Suessical the Musical last Friday. She opened the whole show. We were super proud of her.
Language Arts: Phi read another 25 pages in "The Earth Dragon Awakes" and was assigned this really fun "Literacy Devices Comic Strip". She was given the page number and what literacy device to look for. She then had to write it down and draw a picture to go along with it. This was so fun and a great excuse to use the comic book layout pad I had bought her awhile ago. The earth has swallowed them up is my favorite!

Math: For math we worked on lines, angles and shapes. We looked at line segments and how they form angles. We also looked at the different types of angles. We spent one day looking at polygons and another day on triangles and how to classify them. (equilateral acute). Phi seemed to understand the concept but my concern is retention.
Social Studies: We looked at the booming industries in California during World War 1. Some of these included cotton, farming, clothes, oil, cars and because people needed something to take their minds off the war, the movie industry. For her assignment Phi had to make something representing one of these industries. With a little outline, my office and a iphone app she came up with this.....
I think this my favorite video for this year!
Science: We continued learning about different types of energy. This week was about heat energy. We talked about conduction, convention and radiation. The project was to conduct a heat energy experiment. Phi's teacher sent home the supplies to make a smores and a medium size pizza box. So we added foil to the flap and to the bottom of the box. Then we added black construction paper at the bottom to absorb even more heat energy. We lines the front and back of the "window" with plastic wrap to keep the heat in. We used a straw to keep the flap open. The thing that was missing was the sun. Of course the weekend we did the experiment it rained all 2 days. We had to improvise with some flood lights. After 30 minutes on the floor the chocolate was not melting so we moved the oven to a tv tray and closer to the light. 30 minutes after that we had smores success.
We only have a few weeks left of the school year. I cannot believe it's almost over.
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