Despite Joey getting up at the crack of dawn, the girls and I were able to sleep in a little.

The weather was spectacular and so we had some breakfast. (Isn't camping coffee the best? #percolating). We all got dressed for the day.
Elaine found my Pops solar power cell phone charger (#gogreen)

We headed out for a walk. We were determined to find the actual lake. As we walked by our camping neighbors we noticed that they were celebrating a 30th birthday too. Since it was Kelly's 30th birthday we made him pose by the decorated truck!

So off we trekked...
And eventually we found the lake!
Where of course we took a bunch of photos. While we posed Louie drummed on a park bench with feathers.

Then it was time to walk back to our campsite....

Since the sign was pretty clear that we could not get into the lake, we were lucky my Pops planned ahead. He had purchased tickets for the water park for all the kids. So after our walk we headed over. This was my first time at a water park and it was so fun. I have to say LAZY RIVERS RULE!!!

After a super fun day at the waterpark we headed back to the campsites and ate an amazing meal of trip-tip, chili beans, grilled zucchini and green salad. It was so good. After it was time to celebrate the big "Dirty 30". This was Kelly's first birthday in California (he moved here from Florida last summer). We all really love Kelly and were super happy to be celebrating with him!
As night fell my Mom and Pops gave the kids these light up tube things. Kept them entertained!
Our last night was more fire, s'mores and some jiffy-pop popcorn. We played the game where one person starts a story and we go around adding to it. Somehow our stories revolved around Seattle and Bee-dos. (click here if you don't know what bee-dos are!)
Practice camping was amazing. Except the port-a-potties and lack of running water. That part was rough. We are all really looking forward to our Bass Lake trip!
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