Simi R.
You know your best friend's little sister? The crazy and fun middle child? The one who you don't mind hanging out with because she is so awesome? That's Simi. I have known her since she was a freshman in high school and have watched her grow up into the amazing woman she is today. What I really admire about Simi is that marriage and motherhood have not changed her. She is still so fun to be with. Simi is the kind of girl that can make me laugh so hard that my cheeks are sore the next day. And these days Simi is living the military life since marrying Edison. Edison is one of the good ones. The first time I met him, he suffered through my interrogation with a smile on his face. I knew that he would love and appreciate everything Simi is. They have a beautiful baby boy who is almost 2. I wanted to get a better idea of how motherhood has impacted Simi so I asked her a few questions.....
Will you have more kids?
Maybe. We are content
with having just Ronin for now and maybe longer. But, we also realize we
could look back a few years down the road and regret not having them be closer
in age. Time will tell… you need mom and
dad to live under the same roof to make a baby- so the military might dictate
our options for a bit.
are your feelings on helicopter parents?
I didn’t even know what that was—I had to google it. After
doing that, the answer is that these people are c-r-a-z-y! How will your child
learn if you don’t let them go through their own experiences?
you a Nap Nazi? A stickler for routine and schedules?
Yes. I wish I was more flexible, but am scared to try. The
few times I have, it’s never worked out favorably and I’ve ended up drinking
more than I wanted to after putting Ronin down for bed!
surprising thing about parenthood?
For me, the most surprising thing is that your life changes
so dramatically when you give life. When
you are pregnant, you think about all the things you won’t be able to do, or
won’t have. You wonder how you’ll get by
and what you’ll miss. A few months into the “gig,” you realize you don’t miss a
thing and that your life is full of love, life, and laughter. Being a parent
and having a good partner can complete your life in ways I never thought or
No. He’s better. He can get Ronin to do things I can’t. He is also more of a stickler about things than I am, and I thought it would be the other way around!
Ronin’s name is a little east meets west. In Japanese, Ronin
means “samurai.” In celtic, Ronin, means “little seal.” We liked that it had
multiple meanings and also had a connection to nature. We also liked how
“strong” it sounded. I love nicknames!! We call him baby schmoopy, since Eddie
and I call each other schwoops and schmoops (not from Seinfeld)! Ever since
Ronin got into watching some shows on Nickelodeon, we started watching it with
him and they had these commercials for these toys called wuggle pets. The tune
from the commercial is so ridiculously catchy that I’ve started calling Ronin
my little Wuggler. Our friends call him Ro or Ro Ro. We are thinking he might be a
famous rapper or DJ. Wouldn’t that be cool? Can’t you just hear “My name is Ro,
Ro, “R” to the “O,” oh, oh, oh!”
you enjoy pregnancy?
I could have enjoyed it more if I wasn’t in grad school,
while working full-time, while having a husband who was deployed. Overall,
though I can’t complain, compared to some of my friends, I had the pregnancy
part pretty easy. No weird cravings or sicknesses.
the best parenting advice you have ever received?
Not to praise your child for everything or too often, and
not to prohibit their potential by telling them what you think they should
be when they grow up. However, I realize I just contradicted myself. In my
previous response, I wished for my son to be a rapper or DJ!
What is your favorite baby gear? Must haves?
Our Marsona sound machine! We can take Ronin anywhere at
night and he will sleep once he hears that white noise! Also the newborn boppy baby lounger!
is your parenting philosophy?
Er… am I supposed to have one. I think I am still working on
When you were 16 did you imagine your life would end up
where it is now?
No, I had no clue. However, we did go to an Indian
fortune-teller who nearly predicted this life for me, and I thought he was full
of S(*%!
is the ideal Mother’s Day gift?
A day at the spa. Later, I am sure it will be a hand crafted
item from Ronin.
do you keep the romance alive in your relationship after kids?
We try to make time for each other. An occasional date
night, and we honor that quality time together after Ronin goes to bed. As a
military spouse, we try to send each other lots of love notes via email and
reminisce on the memories that have shaped us as a couple. We also try to
communicate daily so that we are both on the same page.
did having Ronin change your marriage/ relationship?
It’s a lot of work, so there’s a lot more compromise. Again,
being a military family, we have to work extra hard to keep daddy in our daily
thoughts and actions while he is gone. We also have to work at re-connecting
and talk through roles when he comes back and also when he leaves. It’s also
made us appreciate each other more than ever.
is your favorite thing to do with your kids?
We love going on walks and to the park with him. We had
always gone on walks or Sunday afternoon strolls, as a couple, so roping Ronin
into our ritual has been really great.
was your favorite book from childhood?
I love all the Berenstein Bear’s books. I also love Where
The Sidewalk Ends.
do you deal with discipline in your house?
What’s that? Just kidding. We haven’t done “time out’s” yet
with Ronin, but will be trying that soon. For now, we try to stick to our guns
and let him wail it out, if he needs to. We also remove him from the store or
place where he’s misbehaving and give him some time to calm down.
you have a picky eater? How do you handle that?
Why don’t kids like their vegetables?! We have been grating
veggies is his sauces. We find that it’s not a battle that we are willing to
fight too hard for.
You! (aww shucks!!) Even though you work full-time, you always take time to
take your kids to the library, places to explore, and you let them be who there
are. I love seeing all the fun things you do with them and all your creativity
with holidays and events. I aspire to be crafty with my kids and hope that we
create the same kinds of memories and traditions you have with your family!
do you go first when you need parenting advice?
I read a lot of parenting blogs and books, just as a gut
check to make sure that what I am trying to do or are doing makes sense.
Because of my childhood experience, I rely on my own intuition and scientific
research for parenting!
You are a military wife/Mom. What do you want people to know
about living that life?

Simi, thanks for answering all those questions for me. I also asked a few people close to Simi to tell me a little bit about how they feel about Simi as a Mommy....
"Simi makes being a Mom look easy and from what I hear from all the Mommies out there, this is not always easy. Watching Simi be a mom to Ronin is amazing, even when he doesnt want to get out his jammies or take a bath, she makes it happen with a genuine smile. She always mixes humor with discipline. Over the last year, watching my little nephew grow, she has taught him not to sweat the small things. Truly, this is an admirable quality for someone to believe and certainly a gift when being able to teach that to your child. Everything she does is done with an indescribable love and care, really something special."
I also asked Simi's amazing husband Eddie to jot down a few words....
"What can I say about Simi as a working Mother and a military spouse other than she possesses a strength that very few women have. She deals with adversity on a daily basis that very few women can even comprehend whether it's going through the day as a single parent when I am on deployment or making sacrifices in her career so we can have stability at home. She provides the right balance in all our lives and for that and so much more I love her! "
Simi, you know how much I adore you. And you know how much Lulu adores RoRo. You are like a little sister to me and watching you become the woman you are today has been amazing. You are fabulous, fantastic and all that stuff. Have a Happy Mother's Day and lets get the mini love birds together soon!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy the idea of parents celebrating the way people parent. It's really an inspiration.
This is awesome! Love, love, love it. Take care girls. Sending you all lots o' love. Ang