During the party we walked over to my grandparents house and Louella got to meet Big Nana and Big Tata for the first time. Lou sat in Big Nana's lap and looked up as Big Nana sang "tortillitas, ta, ta ,ta" and Big Tata used words like "mi reyna" and "Muy preciosa"

I love watching my Nana and Tata shower my babies with love. They adore each and every one of their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. They are the center of our big extended family and the beginning of the family tree I am so proud of. My kids are so lucky to have 6 out of 8 great-grandparents in their lives to hug them and love them.
just seeing these pictures made me cry. you guys are so fortunate to be able to share your children with your nana's & tata's. i miss mine so much and every time i see my great tia i see my nana and rememeber all the laughs they shared and holidays together when i was little. i can hear her voice every time cuca talks. and see her smile when she smiles. i wish my nana was able to meet her great grandchildren and able to share moments like these. cherish every moment you have with them cause you never know when is the last time you'll get to talk to them. never take them for granted and record the stories that only they can tell. i love my nana for always taking pictures and sharing the history in them with me and never being afraid to take a silly pose. i try to pass that to my children, and so far you're doing a awesome job! thanks for the cry, i'm serious. it helps being reminded every now and then that memories are forever even if the moment isn't.