When I changed the calendars to April, today's date jumped out at me. The 7 looked bigger than all the other numbers. No doubt the hardest day of the year for my family. Memories of my cousin Roman's funeral have been swimming through my mind all week. Even 3 years later it is so vivid still. One of those days that doesn't seem to fade with time. Like the hurt and the anger, it just doesn't seem to fade over time.

I have made a decision that today will not be about being sad. Even though I am sure tears will be shed. Today we will celebrate the amazing man my cousin Roman is and be thankful for the presence, guidance and love he still gives our family every single day. We will talk about him, look at his photos, and wear him on our chests. I will whisper to the baby in my belly about her cousin Roman. Who she may never meet on this earth, but will be an important part of her family. Who will watch over her and love her from heaven.

I think about my cousin Roman everyday. I miss my cousin Roman everyday. I also feel his soul and see his spirit everyday.
Ugh, it's just gets me all choaked up reading this... :'( miss you & love you cousin roman..