The Phi has been waiting for today all week for 3 reasons.
1. Its pizza day at school.
2. Its show-and-tell day.
3. Valentine's Day party!
Last month I asked her what kind of Valentine cards she wanted to give out to her friends. Now it was going to be tough to beat last years lip and mustache valentines. Of course she wanted owls. Since I knew that finding owl cards was going to be tough I looked for a homemade solution. I found a cute pattern for a cute little owl so off to the craft store we went. We bought 4 sheets of paper at a grand total of $4.00 and then a bag of pencils for $2.00. We spent last Saturday making these adorable owl Valentine's.
This morning The Phi was awake even before I got out of the shower. She was so excited for her Valentine's party! As I was getting her uniform on she was dancing around. She thought her party was going to be a dance party and wanted to practice her moves. It's not a dance party but I figured they will probably have some music so The Phi can get her groove on if she wants to.
We got to school (on time yea!) and when I walked The Phi into her classroom the excitement from all the little ones filled the room. They were all so excited, calling each others names to show what they brought for share and their bags filled with cards for all their friends. As soon as we walked I heard someone call The Phi's name and she joined right in with all the chatter. In between her talking I stole a kiss goodbye and left her and her excited classmates (and overwhelmed teacher) to have a wonderful Valentine's Day party. I can't wait to pick her up and hear all about her day!
I just got back from The Midge's party at school. The kids all had a great time. Hope The Phi's party was just as good...
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