My Tia Angie hosted this year and the weather was still nice enough for us all to eat outside on the back patio. The Phi claimed one table as the kids table and even kicked her own "Fath" out when he tried to sit with her. She also asked my Tia Angie to switch out the bowl of salsa for a bowl of candy. Which of course my Tia did for the kids.
Since everyone was sitting, talking, enjoying the amazing food. We let The Phi make the big announcement for us. She stood up on a chair and said. "I am going to be a big sister"

Everyone cheered and clapped. I think my grandparents were the most excited. When I went inside to tell my Tata that we were having another baby he thanked me. I told him "It is the least I can do for you".

The Phi was keeping the kids table entertained.
I swear Lili and Felix think she is some crazy internet celebrity!
I swear Lili and Felix think she is some crazy internet celebrity!
Lili in that picture looks SO much like Ouie when she was little it is CRAZY! And isn't Phi an internet celebrity? <3 JVS