We got into the car and I switched on news radio and CBS news said it, "The King of Pop, Michael Jackson has died at the age of 50". I was crushed.
See I was a child of the 80's and Michael Jackson and his music were a big part of my childhood. I had a cloth tapestry of this picture....

You know how some kids have a cartoon or movie they watch over and over again? Mine was the "Making of Michael Jackson Thriller" video. I remember begging my parents for it and keeping it in a special place in my bedroom because it was too precious to be with all the other videos.
I vividly remember this performance....
I don't remember if my Mom let me stay up, woke me up when it came on, or recorded it for me, but I remember seeing this for the first time....completely amazed.
I felt weird being so emotional about his death but I was a fan. I heard the news as we were driving to a park and while The Phi and PR Dad played at the playground I sat in the shade on the grass and cried a little. I was in shock, I never thought he would go so soon, or like this. I am heartbroken by this loss of such a talented man who no doubt has left a legacy worthy of the title "King of Pop".

PR Dad stayed up with me and watched some of his videos on BET and when the "Thriller" video came on I got teary eyed again. I was just so sad.
He is a pop icon and his music will live on forever.
I clearly remember that award show performance. It was awesome!! You made me get all teary too, girl!
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