Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Weekly Weiners
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Its Like Blink-182 Said.....
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Happy B-day Comadre!
Happy Birthday to the family Dr. and to her Dad. Yes just like The Phi, Nina Patty shares her birthday with her Dad. Happy Birthday Pat. We are soo looking forward to wine, snacks and fondue on Saturday! Hope the boys spoil you today!
On another note: Ugly Betty starts back up tonite and I am way excited. Just to get in the mood I watched the season finale again yesterday. You know to refresh my memory and I am really hoping that Betty chose to go to Rome with Gio. Any Ugly Betty fans out there? Where do you think she went , with Henry to Arizona or with Gio to Rome?
And what would be a nice treat to enjoy while watching Ugly Betty. How about some coldstone's ice cream? How about free coldstone's? Yea between 5 pm - 8pm you can choose from 2 different flavors for free! You're welcome!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Skateboards and Tutus
The Phi is kind of a tom boy. She also has her girlie girl side too. She likes to wear dresses and loves her My Little Ponies and watching princess movies. The other night I was reading her a bed time story about a little girl who was going to her ballet class. I told The Phi how her "best friend"/ cousin Angelica use to take ballet classes when she was about The Phi's age. After the story she declared that she too wanted to go to ballet class. So being the overzealous parent of an only child, I did some research and found a (kind of) local Pre-ballet class for 2.5-3.5 year olds. Perfect! So after work yesterday we headed out and signed her up. Four little 1/2 hour classes. Since The Phi has been doing so well at school I figured she was ready for a dance class. While signing her up I asked the lady behind the desk if she needed to wear anything special and she told me that she sees all the little girls in leotards and tutu's. So off we went in search of ballerina attire for The Phi. The Phi picked these really cute pink tights with hot pink glitterly stars on them. While we were out and about The Phi had $6 she won from a school raffle, burning a hole in her pocket so we were going to let her pick something out. She originally picked up a new Yo Gabba Gabba doll. Then of course in the next aisle she saw something else she HAD TO have. So we kept switching toys out until she laid her eyes on these little skateboards with little skateboard dudes. It was like the holy grail. She loved this toy and carried the package around until we got home and she was finally able to open it. That's my Phi, the skateboarder, monster truck loving, glittery pink star ballerina.
Also one of my photo articles is up at Blissfully Domestic. So head over and read about why you should back up your back up!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Crazy Loco Love
I don't have as much time as I would like to read, but once in awhile I will find a book that I just HAVE to read. My most favorite book ever is "Rain of Gold" by Victor Villasenor. This is the first real meaty "Chicano" book that I read. I have read everything that Villasenor has written since. While in Palm Springs I found a new awesome book store and picked up a copy of Villasenor's latest book called "Crazy Loco Love" .
It took me longer than usual to read and I even read another book in the middle. Villasenor's book are biographical and center around his family. This new book centers around Victor himself and his late teen and early 20's. Searching for himself and trying desperately to become un hombre. This was not the best Villasenor book I have read, and there were parts that went a little too far over the edge and into the philosophical and religious realms. I think I was too into the superficial part of the characters lives and really wanted to see how things would end up. I think the second time I read this the deeper aspects will become more important to me. I am way too invested in these "characters" and any book from Villasenor I would love.
I am really excited because after all these years of reading his books over and over I am getting the chance to meet Victor Villasenor. He will be signing book and giving a lecture at a local book store next month. :)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Dreams Do Come True
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Weekly Weiners
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Funny Photo Friday #1
Thursday, September 18, 2008
How did the world find out about my grey hair?
So the week The Phi started pre school I sprouted about 4 grey hairs. No lie. Well 4 that I can see. All in the front on the top. Of course those little beauties made me feel so freakin old. My birthday is right around the corner. Already! I swear I just turned 30 like last week. But no 31 is only a few weeks away. The grey hairs prove it and apparently the universe is well aware of my advance age. Yesterday I received a letter in the mail. I opened it up and in bold letter it said "PR MOM ARE YOU PREPARED?" Well I like to think I am prepared for most things. As I read on I realized that this flyer wanted to know if I was prepared for my death. Was my coffin picked out and my burial plot paid for. If it wasn't then they had a deal for me! The letter was from a mortuary and wanted to know if my arrangements for my demise were in order. How did they know about my grey hair? I hadn't even blogged about it yet! Well its out there, and now I must get a few more grey hairs trying to decide how to plan for the end.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Reason #548895532145 PR Dad Rocks
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Blissfully Domestic
Friday, September 12, 2008
unorganized chaos
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The little things
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
It's like a classy way to get drunk
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
I don't want to be that parents, but.......
Monday, September 08, 2008
LA County Fair
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Weekly Weiners
Dirt Road Diary- Berdoo Canyon
It had been awhile but Joey recently convinced me to head out on an off-roading adventure. Mostly because the San Berdoo trail ends inside J...
Lately Louie has been waking up in the middle of the night crying. And not just, "I woke up and I can't go back to sleep...
How did this get past me? How did I never hear about this? Yesterday we put in Happy Feet for The Phi to watch. She was not interested and w...
This is part of a sponsored collaboration with DiMe Media and Pampers . All opinion are 100% mine. It's true what they say. Yo...