Sunday, November 18, 2007

Free Drugs?

DSC03043, originally uploaded by Punk Rock Mom.

I have had this picture for awhile. We were driving by a church/school off a main road and we saw this. Made me LOL!


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Sometimes, I do wonder what people are thinking! Hilarious!

  2. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Hi! I love your blog! I just started a web community for Alternative SUbculture moms and wanted to stop in and invite ya! It's at You'd be a great asset, we'd love you to come check us out.


  3. Anonymous7:55 AM


    I got your email. Thanks so much for checking us out. We would love to have you contribute to our monthly "Rad Reads" column. The way it works is you give us the ISBN# and your review via email and we will do the rest! The next one is due on Nov. 30th.

    The "She's Got Issues" column isn't done on a particular schedule; just whenever someone has a strong bitch about something. So it could be more than once a month for sure! LOL. It is based on the idea of parent and child related issues (i.e. the scholastic book forms, lol).

    Our "Over-Opinionated" column is our version of Op-Ed and it encompasses any form of opinion on anything at all and is also more frequent than monthly.

    Our rules and requirements are really simple. You got to join the site forum so people can interact with you or post a messege to you if they want to further discuss a colomn (more than like a comment type thing) and we will need a picture of you about the same size as the ones in our "about our contributors" page here: We will also need a short intro for you like the ones on the above mentioned page. That way people know you.

    Also just guidelines for your submissions are simple. No racial slurs, terrorist threats, no naming people outright unless they are of celebrity status and therefor fair game. HAHAH just basically don't get us sued!!! LOL. Foul language is fine and sometimes encouraged! HAHAH.

    Well thats about it, if you are still interested please let us know and send us your pic and info and I will add it to the page. As a contributor you also get a special rank badge in the forums (silver stars) instead of the black everyone else has!!! YAY!

    Let us know!

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous10:18 AM

    heheh forgot the address!

    more detailed info thanks! hope to hear from you soon!


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