So Rudy was sent home from American Idol last night. BOOOO! I can't believe that he is already gone. It is just my luck. And I am going to totally play the "latino-victim" card. He was voted off because he was Mexican! Will we ever see a Latina/o American Idol? Let us untie Latinos of America. Sesaon 7 is ours!
"Hello All,Just wanted to send another update- I spoke with my TN Mary and Tata started dialysis about an hour ago. They say he is doing well, talking and looks good. The dialysis nurse is staying with him during the procedure which could take anywhere from 3-4 hours. Unfortunately, family can't be with him b/c it might distract the nurse (whatha!?! us be distracting- I don't get it) and s/he needs to make sure everything is running smoothly. They do, however, permit people to check on him every so often to see how things are going. The prayers are working... :)"
Well the good news is my grandfather has gone thru his first dialysis session and he says that it feels as if his blood has had a bath!
He was Venezuelan, not Mexican, they won't even let Mexicans get that far. :(