We have found the perfect Valentine's Day gift. I wanted to get The Phi something original, nit the usual stuffed animal. Her first Valentine's day while she was still in the womb I had family members pick a song for her and I made her a cd and book. I think we bought her a book last year. PR Dad AlWAYS stresses about what to get me. Well this year I found an awesome gift. My Mom and Dad stopped by the house last weekend and my radical Mom brought me the Santa Barbara Independent and another SB daily newspaper. I LOVE reading these and I think its because it makes me feel a little like a local. Anyways!! In the newspaper there was a tiny blurb about the Santa Barbara Zoo's Valentines Day gift. For a donation you can sponsor a pair of Flamingos. This is perfect for the Punk Rock Family!! Flamingos have become a wonderful symbol for our family. If you received a wedding invitation or went to the wedding you will remember that flamingo were there! They have become a symbol of our love for each other and The Phi. Well with this donation we get to sponsor a pair of flamingos! So this is our family gift! My gift to PR Dad, his gift to me, our gift to The Phi and her gift to us!! We get a picture, fact sheet, kisses, and our names listed as sponsors. I am really excited about this (hence all the !!! everywhere). It is such a great cause. We love the SB Zoo and it feels good to be able to help out! If you have not found the perfect gift consider the gift of sponsoring flamingos.
That is a cool gift for your family... awesome.