Lent is already here. All over the world Catholics are getting crosses of ash rubbed or even stamped onto their foreheads. To be perfectly honest I was going to google the meaning behind ash Wednesday and school you all, but no time. So I will admit that I have no idea why we have ash Wednesday, but I do know that it is the kick-off to the lent season. (already!!) Which means that I have 40 days to get The Phi a Easter dress and remind the Easter Bunny that The Phi deserves a basket. Well it also is time to give up something for the 40 days. PR Dad and I decided (okay I decided and just told PR Dad) that we are going to give up fast food (and yes we do EVERYTHING together). We also decided (PR Dad decided and told me) that Subway is the only place we can go. No Jack tacos, for 40 days. That will be our sacrifice. So in preparation I ate 40 Jack Tacos yesterday. Kidding! In preparation I went grocery shopping, and it was so much stuff that I literally filled up the basket. I was balancing things toward the end and pushing slowly so that everything did not topple over. So now our cupboards are full and our fridge is kind of full, and our freezer is overflowing. I have great intentions of making foods for my family. And I will be cooking for 3 because....... PR Dad is coming home for good!! He will be transferring back to his old job on Monday. We will officially be a family again. The distance was just getting to be too emotionally and financially draining. We still have the house on the market, and the market is picking up but we just couldn't stand being away from each other anymore. So lets us all sing, "My husbands coming home, my husbands coming home, Hi-ho the derri-o, My husbands coming home!"
40 days of lent starts one week from today, i counted the days on the calendar. so im not starting till next week.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell!!!!!!!!!! Subway???????? How about the Steak & Hoagie...Man and you want to ne my bff... I don't know now...Tommy
ReplyDeleteNo Jack tacos?!?