I can't believe that the babies are almost here!! EEEKKK how exciting! We have about a month left and the twin tiny bundles will be here. No they don't have names yet! And that drives me crazy! We had the big family baby shower last weekend at the parents house. (man that place has been party central this year!) It was a great day with lots of fun games and good food and presents for the babies. Here is the pool table that was converted into the gift table for the party!

The Phi loves being with her Big Nana. Parties are always nice because the family passes her around and I don't have to worry about her. I can emjoy some time with my family. This is The Phi doing her first drawing ever. We were too late (my mom cleans up fast!) to keep the paper, but Joey got a few pictures. I love these pictures of The Phi with her Big Nana and Big Tata.

There was only one upset during the party. My comp JZ entered the "Guess the Number of Jelly Beans in the Jar" game. He is a math guy and between him and Joey they figuered about what they thought was a fool-proof way to determine the number of jelly beans. Well as my sister pulled out the guesses, JZ was a head until........ my sisters god-mothers kid, who was about 8, had guessed closer than JZ. This is JZ demanding a re-count!2 cakes for 2 babies. As usual there was a TON of cake left over. When are we going to learn that we only need 1 cake at parties.

Patty, Elissa and Monique. (Such an improvement from the picture with all the braces!!)
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