My compadres just got back from a trip to Oahu. This picture was taken from their hotel room window. Looks amazing huh? I am set to go there myself, for my honeymoon in 16 days. I am having such mixed emotions about going. I know I have blogged about this before but I am not sure how I am going to deal with leaving my 1 year old for an entire week. I have even seriously considered a) shortening the trip, b) taking The Phi with us c) cancelling the whole thing. I look into her tiny beautiful face and cannot even imagine going one day without seeing it. On the days that she is home with Dad, I shower her with hugs and kissed after just an 8 hour work day. Joey seems to be very fine with all this. He keeps telling me that The Phi is going to be with my Mom and there is no one we trust more with The Phi than my parents. I also know that we are never going to do this again. It will be soooooo strange to be away from someone who has consumed my entire life for a year. Of course there are some perks. The main one I can think of is sleeping in. Has anyone else out there left their kids for a trip? I need your words of encouragement right about now!!
I know it is hard to believe now, but you will be just fine. When Rick and I left Elias with my parents for our first vacation, I was amazed at how well I handled it. And when we got back, my mom said that he didn't even notice we were gone!! I was sad at first, but then really glad that we hadn't scarred him by going away. (And it was the best vacation I ever had because I had never appreciated sleeping in so much, and I hadn't had alone-time with Rick in over a year).
ReplyDeleteYou will miss Phi so very much, but don't let that stop you from making the most wonderful memories that you will always remember. Phi will be just fine with Nana and Tata. pn
ReplyDeletedude, you're going to be in Hawaii, just remember how bad you wanted to go when Lilo and Stitch came out!
ReplyDeleteAs a momma to four kidlets...who doesn't know anyone brave or generous enough to take them all on so that That Guy I Married and I might have a little getaway to reconnect...GO! Enjoy yourselves!! Sleep in!!! Eat your meals without having to cut small portions of it into teeny-tiny bits!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou will totally miss the wee one...but you will appreciate her that much more when you return...and you will REALLY appreciate the time you spent with just your hubby.
Hi! I came across your blog from Alisa's blog. I was reading through it and realized that we have babies born on the same day!!! My son was born 5/22/05 and just like your Phi, just celbrated his first b-day... so I kinda felt instantly bonded to you!!!
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, about leaving Phi while you go to Hawaii... you will get through it, you'll see!!! You will find that you will miss her much more than she will miss you. She will be in great hands with your family. It will give her a chance to bond some with her granparents and it will give you a chance to relax with your sweetie!!! I've had to leave my AJ for work travel and as much as I have missed him while being gone, I come home to find him as cute as ever, happy and without a care in the world! Enjoy your trip!