A song by alkaline trio came on my pandora radio. it remined me of warped tour in LA a few years ago. I 'friend' of mine was a big alkaline trio fan and they wanted me to pick up the latest cd from their booth at the warped tour. Of course it is of the first places we hit and I was afraid they would sell-out so I bought the cd. Warped Tour is not the kind of place you want to carry a purse, so I tucked the cd in the back of my jeans and there it stayed ALL DAY! Those who have been to a warped tour or 2 or 3 know how hot and dirty you become after a day of maddness. I remember that warped tour as the best one I have ever been to. New found glory, good charlotte, afi, bad religion, yellowcard on a tiny side stage. I think the erks even played the same stage as yellowcard. Well this cd stayed with me all day and when we finally got to the car, i took the sticky cd out of the back of my pants and it was still in one piece. What is sad, it that today that CD is probably stuck in a box with a bunch of other unplayed cd's. What a sad ending for a cd that began with such a great journey.
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