He did it! Taylor took it all! He beat that perky annoying Kat! We have been loving Taylor since he auditioned. The man can sing, he has the rad moves and we loved him. In the middle of watchin AI, we had to pause to get dinner and try to get Phi to bed. So a little after 10 Elaine called and I picked up the phone and yelled at her, "DON"T SAY ANYTHING. WE HAVEN"T SEEN THE END!!!". Sorry for yelling! I even had a request from Pat and JZ to text them with the winner. They were headed to the Madonna concert and they needed to know who won asap. It was a pretty exciting night in the "Punk Rock Parents" household. The Phi really wanted to see the end so she was not having her 9pm bedtime. So we let her stay up to watch Taylor win. When Seacrest announced Taylor. Joey held The Phi in the air in celebration.

Oh man! It is over. We can go back to being the normal cool people that we once were. We will no longer be those geeky people so obssesed with AI that we dress our child in home-made t-shirts with Taylors pic on it. We were both pretty shocked at how much we were hooked this season. Neither one of us had ever really been fans of the show. But this year, magic Season 5, it sucked us in and I don't think we missed one episode (thank you Tivo). We are looking forward to returning to our cool punk rock selves. But I will admit this to you........we can't wait for season 6!
damn taylor