In a waiting room yesterday, The Phi had her first encounter with a kid her own age. After washing some important documents (by accident of course) we were on a mission to replace said documents. While waiting in the office waiting room they had one of those kids tables with little wooden toys attached. There was a little girl about The Phi's age, but walking. Her Mom was being helped and the little girl was left to wander the office on her own. ( who are these parents and why are they allowed to have kids??) The Phi was watching this kid, like she does with all kids. Eventually I put The Phi down and let her stand and play. This little girl came up to the table and began playing with everything. The Phi just kind of stood there and let the little girl walk all over her!!! This kid was like a big ol' Godzilla just stomping on everything around her. The little girl just pushed The Phi as if she wasn't there. Just started playing with the toy The Phi was quietly playing with. even pushed The Phi's hand away. And since The Phi doesn't have the greatest balance I had to pick her up and put her on my lap until the little terror of a kid left. It was my first feeling of "Hey leave my kid alone!" It was awful watching The Phi helplessly being run over by this kid. It made me think about what kind of kid I want The Phi to be. I want her to be considerate of other kids, and place nice, and share. It also made me think of what is in store for The Phi as she gets older and starts to make friends outside of our family. How are we going to react when she comes to us in tears because someone pushed her, teased her, or a group of mean girls didn't let her play with them? Ohh my heart aches just thinking about it. How do parents handle watching thier kids get emotionally stepped on? As much as I wish I could, I will not be able to shelter her from those kinds of situations. These are the things that are going to help shape her personality and it is going to be my job to teach her the best way to react to these kind of bad situations. This Mom job gets more and more complicated daily!
just wait until school. i thought kindergarten was bad, 1st graders are little devil children. at least once a week chone has girlfriend issues. they have thier little clicks already. dont worry, we all got through it, right? ~cari
ReplyDeleteIt is equally difficult when your child is the godzilla--tackling everyone at daycare because he is so into football that he wants to play it all the time. . . yes, that would be my sweet child, the future linebacker. JVS
ReplyDeleteIt is equally difficult when your child is the godzilla--tackling everyone at daycare because he is so into football that he wants to play it all the time. . . yes, that would be my sweet child, the future linebacker. JVS
ReplyDeleteI had a similar experience last Christmas when a little girl was bullying my daughter. She was at our house and she trampled all over her toys, pushed her, and pulled her hair. The little girl was a family friend so it was really awkward.