Well I know a lot of you are wondering about the weekend. Well it was a great weekend filled with the usual Santa Barbara fun. But no ex. He decided that getting wasted with friends was more appealing than hanging out with his ex-wife, her fiance, thier kid and her family. You can't blame the guy. The De La Hoya fight was awesome! He kicked that guys ass and I loved it! The Phi wasn't too thrilled with all the hooting and hollering, but it is only a matter of time that she will be hooting and hollering along with us. We headed home Sunday night but the headlights on the Jeep decided to not work so instead of driving with no headlights at night for three hours we had no choice but to turn around and stay one more night in SB. I didn't get into work until 11am. Of course, as usual the weekend there made me homesick and made Banning even uglier!
Of course we have to give out huge birthday love to the one and only asian in my famly:
Tommy Ma!
Happy Birthday my adopted brother!!
Tommy is only half-Asian, he's a quarter Mexican and White too...so he's our multi-culti bradduh!