After dinner last night we all got comfortable on the floor to enjoy the Grammy's and to play with some blocks. We made big towers and then Dada made this pyramid for Phi. It took him a long time so by the time he was done she was cranky and ready for bed. So we left it assembled so she can play with it today. Last night was also spent trying to get Roo to eat these doggie mints we had bought him. Roo is a spoiled little picky eater and would not eat the stupid mint. I tried tricking him but he was too smart. He can't learn to sit, but he knows how to avoid eating a mint surrounded by dog food. I finally got him to eat one by putting a little bit of peanut butter on it. Then I notice he is suppose to eat like 3 at a time. This will never work and my emo dog is destined to have stank breathe.

oh my gosh, what kind of dog is roo?