Its Monday and I have survived another day at the office with Sophia. And a sick Sophia to top it off. We are heading to Rite Aide after work today to try to find something for her runny nose. Getting lots of use out of the "moco-sucker". Poor kid can't breathe when she is drinking from her cup or bottle. Friday night and last night were tough ones with this kid. She had been kind of off last week and now we know why, she was getting a cold. Last night was rough. She just would not go to bed. We gave her dinner, a bath, pj's, bed time story and then into bed. Normally she will just fall asleep in a few mintes and when I would check on her she would be fast asleep. Not last night. Everytime I went to check on her, her big brown eyes were staring back at me. It was kind of creepy because I really expected an asleep Phia. She was quite for awhile but not sleeping. Then she started her wailing and would not stop. She cried until about 10pm. I finally got up and tried rocking her, but nothing. I put her back in bed and she cried some more. A half hour later or so I got up with her again and this time went into the living room to see if she would fall asleep laying with me on the couch. (It had worked earlier in the day) Nothing. She was sooo tired but she kept on crying. Then Joey (aka Dad of the Century) came out and took her and walked with her for awhile. I feel asleep on the couch. He came in and woke me up after she finally fell asleep and I am not sure what time that was. Poor kid, and poor us.
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