So as we are driving into Santa Barbara i text Lyndsey to find out where exactly in SB I could find a coconut latte. She told me Ruby's. So when we went to El Paseo mall I was happy to see Ruby's right across the street. After some shopping, we headed over to Ruby's to have a coconut latte. Imagine my surprise when it was a Mexican restaurant that didn't even serve lattes. I called Lyndsey and she told me that it was a Ruby's that was a coffee shop on State Street. I have still yet to find that coffee shop. But.... next door to the Mexican Ruby's there was Java Jones. And they had the holy coconut syrup and they were more than happy to make me a coconut latte. As I stood there waiting for them to call my order I thought about how long my search has been, and all the coffee shops it had taken me to. All the rejection from all the teenagers behind the counters at all the coffee shops that did not have coconut for me. My search was over and soon I would be sipping on the so hard to find coconut latte.

So what did I think of it? After all the searching was it the most wonderful drink in all the land? Well it was okay. Yes just okay. It tasted like a normal latte and every few drinks would have a very strong after taste of coconut (think Hawaiian Tropics suntan lotion). I would definatly get it again, but I don't think it will become my new regular. But now that my search is over I am sad. I have nothing to search for now.
Ok..SEE I knew it!! Well I am going to find that coffee shop for you because it isn't next to El Paseo so maybe I got the name wrong or something (opps *he*he) I love that you went on the qwest & took the picture great! I am at the library on campus laughing my head off. All I have to say is Java Bones, or Jones didn't make it right. If it tastes like suntan lotion coffee then it's allll wrong. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be? How can my love not be for you?? Haha. Oh well..if you come up in March I will show you the real deal.