Nana: For raising 9 great kids
Tata: For enduring all you did to come here and start this family. And for all the gum
Nina/Tia Ruth: For never ever forgetting my birthday in 28 years
Tio Leo: For introducing us to Bass Lake
Leo Jr.: For that funny ass story you told at my Moms party. Joey & I still laugh about it
Marissa: For working as hard as you do for your boys
Lori: For being a believer in Atkins with me.
Gabriel: For being a great great Dad
Adan: For sharing Bullet with the family.
Biana: For being so good for my cousin and your cute hair cut
Melissa: For being engaged (loving) to yourself. I love that.
Mom: For never complaining about any of us (me and my siblings)
Dad: For being the "yes" man
Cari: For missing my head when you threw the remote at me
Luis: For forcing me to speak more Espanol.
Mercy Elaine: For introducing me to punk rock. I will be forever indebted to you for that.
Mikey: For giving me a dollar to enjoy Joes dance even more
The Chone: For being a very bright spot in my life and showing me true love
Marco: For The Chone
Tia Angie: For the advice about engagment rings, "nothing less than a karat"
Tio Jarvie: For always making me smile when you answer the phone.
Patty: For going ahead of me and making sure the path was safe.
Jovan: Telling us the dancing with unmentionable stories and being my comp.
Rosie: For always being you, strong, loud and independent.
Cassie: For not giving into the pressure and being different and for the lilo pic on your door
Martin: For making Cassie smile more often
Tia Gracie: For showing me that Mexicans can be Elvis fans too
Tio Grande: For always calling my sister Cyndi Lauper
Gaby Jr.: For my virgin keychain from the deaf person, and for being a marine
Karina: For being a good military girlfriend, you are brave and strong
Girlfriend: For coming to get togethers at my old place, even in your scrubs
Pepe: For being loud and speaking your mind
Erika: For being so damn cute and sweet.
Tia Concha: For your strength, I have never met anyone stronger than you
Tio Arnoldo: For your moustach, it gives Joey something to strive for.
Betty: For sharing your puppies with us
Betty's Man: For being an Erks fan. I still can't believe it.
Roman: For your love of music. Its in your soul.
Arnie: For growing up to be a really cool kid even though you are afraid of fish
Tio Jack: For you patience when it came to all us kids wanting to play with you
Tia Rosalie: For understanding my obsession with expensive purses
Raymond: For fire pit dances and flaming doritos. Never a dull moment with you
Anna: For your great sense of style
Walkin: For every single time we ever hung out. I miss you so much
Britney: For proudly becoming a Garcia
Michael: For being "Layzer"
Jaime: For making Mike so freakin happy.
Monique: For that year at Briggs and Nanas house together.
Tia Connie: For the trips to Ca to visit us.
Tio Jorge: For the tape you made for me of kids songs. Wish I had that now for Sophia
Eric: For following in your dads footsteps into music
Victor: For every single bulletin on myspace
Jorgie: For being such a cute boy, ladies watch out in 10 years!
Nina/Tia Josie: For the letters we use to write each other when I was younger
Tio Elias: For your cool hair
Manual: For letting us give you so many nickname, Ghetto Names
Manuals Girl: For being loud and talkative and making Manual more of both
Vanny: For finding a passion and persuing it
Seli: For always having perfect grades
Tia Mary: For all the time you let Patty and I stay with you and watch scary movies
Tio Miguel: For keeping an eye out for my sisters
Carlos: For the summer of 1994 and all the new things you have showed me
Christopher: For our mutual love for La Virgin
Mikey: For being my "sunshine" when you were a baby and now
Nick: For making me call you Nick at school
Boo: For being my boo even all the way in Chi-what!
Jessica: For all the advice lately.
Sam: For having me in your wedding.
Matty: For all the fantastic voyages
Lyndsey: For keeping in touch with me all these years and miles.
J-Dub: For coming up with a new nickname after you got married
Tommyma: For staying friends with us both after the divorce
Joey: For being the love of my life, a wonderful Dad, and making me laugh every single day
Sophia: For making your Dad and I happier than we ever thought we could be.
For E and J picking jz and i to be padrinos...our first godchild together. yeah compa joey pepperoni and comadre lis'!!