I got a netflix yesterday in the mail. It was the dvd Pumpkin .
I don't really remember how I came across this movie. I think it was playing on the Independent Film channel a fews years back and I caught it. I put it on our netflix list because I love this movie. The plot of the movie is strange. Carolyn McDuff is this typical southern Ca sorority girl who ends up falling in love with Pumpkin, who she is training for the challenged games. Yes i said "challenged". It such a strange story but I find myself completely intrigued by the simplicty and the beauty of Pumpkin and his feelings. I recommend this movie to everyone. (i know boo, you won't watch it). If you have the netflix add this to your queue and move it to the top! Go. Do it. Now.
Nice try when using the word "challenged" instead of retarded!! You know I can't watch that movie...I'd cry to death whether that is because I was laughing too much or because I felt really bad about the "challenged." :)