So Sophia has the eczema. Pretty bad too. According to our mothers Joey and I both had it pretty bad as babies, so Sophia was destined to have it. Now Joey I can believe. The guys got the most sensitive skin and stomach. I on the other hand could exfoliate my face with brillo pads with no irritation. Over the weekend it spread to her arms and stomach and was so bad. It looked like she had the mumps or something. And it was itching her like mad. I had no choice but to take her to the doctor yesterday. I can't even begin to tell you how much I hate doctor office visits. The nurses are nice enough, but it is guaranteed that we are going to waiting for atleast 2 hours before we are seen, and that when we are seen the doctor will spend 2 minutes with us. I took her by myself yesterday. I took her in at 9 and we saw the doctor at about 11:15. The doctor walks in and immediately starts talking to me in Spanish. I don't know why but I am wildly offended by this. Why the hell would this guy assume that I didn't speak English? I looked him straight in the eye and told him, "I don't speak Spanish". Well that's only kid of a lie. I can sort of speak Spanish, but not enough to talk medicine with a doctor. He looked Sophia over for about 10 seconds, said it was eczema and wrote her a prescription for elidel . I tried to tell him that Joey and I both had it as children, and I tried to tell him about Joey's hand situation (that's a whole other blog entry). He didn't acknowledge that I said anything. Handed me the prescription and was out the door to offend the next person. Adios asshole. So I am stuck with all these questions that apparently this doctor does not have time for. I asked the nurse and they answered as best they could, which of course didn't answer my question. I learned more about eczema and how to treat and prevent it from an article Matt emailed me than from the doctor. Then there was a whole fiasco when I went to pick up the prescription. Sophia's insurance wouldn't cover it until it was cleared to be for medical reasons. Hello! She is 6 months old she is not getting liposuction. All her doctors visits are for medical reasons. As I was on the phone with the insurance company they tried to convince me to wait for the approval so I wouldn't have to fork over the cash and then maybe be reimbursed later. They wanted me to wait a few days. What the hell? My daughter is hurting. Her skin is itchy and dry and she is miserable. There was no way I was going to wait for an approval. The tube of cream cost us $76.33. It could have cost $7633 and we still would have bought it if it was going to make Sophia feel better. Don't those people understand what it feels like to be a parent with a child in pain. Joey and I defiantly understand.
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